Just before Memorial Day, I wrote a “Noshes” column item about Capt. Ben Salomon, a Jewish dentist who was posthumously awarded the Congressional Medal of Honor in 2002 for his heroism in World War II.
I noted that in November 2016, the American Friends of Dental Volunteers of Israel presented a special lecture honoring Salomon. The AVI, as the organization is known, is the sister organization of Dental Volunteers for Israel (DVI). Founded by the late Trudi Birger, DVI runs a free clinic for children in Israel.
My column item prompted Dr. Scott Dubowsky of Tenafly, a longtime Jewish Standard subscriber, to email the Standard. He thanked me for the item and told me he is a dentist and the president of AVI. We exchanged further letters and I came to realize that several personal stories, including Dr. Dubowsky’s, intertwined in what I came to think of as a remarkable chain of goodness.
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